Macaw Bird Daily Feed Intake Quantity

Last Updated on February 19, 2022

A macaw can eat fruits, vegetables, seeds, grains, nuts, and pellets. Do you think how much food a macaw can eat daily? Can it overeat? What can be the best food portion for a macaw? Can the size of the macaw affect the feed intake?

A macaw should eat 10-20% of its body weight daily. Usually, a macaw with 1000g of weight can eat 10-20g of food daily. The food intake depends upon the species and size of a macaw. Feeding pellets, seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables twice a day is sufficient. Avoid overfeeding.

If you are an experienced pet owner looking for the best food for your macaw, you must know the number of foods a macaw needs in a day. Can it eat a mixture of pellets with fruits and vegetables?

Along with, how many pellets should a macaw eat? How many fruits and vegetables does a macaw eat? What if it overeats the nuts?

Let's move to the article where we will discuss the food requirement of a macaw daily.

Food requirement of a macaw

Naturally, macaw eats fruits, seeds, nuts, grains, flowers, buds, and other vegetative parts of certain plants. In its natural habitat, it consumes all that is easily accessible to them.

Food is necessary for its survival. Like humans, a macaw needs proteins, fats, sugars, vitamins, and minerals for proper growth and health maintenance. However, the need for each nutrient varies according to the species and health of a macaw.

Hyacinth macaw is the giant macaw and is like a portion of food with high-fat contents because of its routine. It is used to fly into the big trees of the forests for feeding, foraging, resting, finding mates, breeding, and raising chicks. That is why high energy is consumed to follow its routine.

Macaw need proper nutrition

The owners should take care of their pets for their feed. Feed is not only required to survive but to enjoy good health and longevity.

A macaw needs a proper amount of food daily to live happily and healthy, whether in the wild or captivity. In both situations, food is a necessary element and must be available.

What should you feed a macaw?

A macaw can eat various foods, including fruits, flowers, seeds, buds, grains, nuts, insects, and clay in the wildlife. It is independent to eat its favorite food whenever it wants. It can eat all the safe foods because it has learned how to find the safest food from its parents.

A make can eat clay to receive the minerals from the clay. Clay also helps to reduce the toxicity of other food materials. The macaw is used to eat insects and meat to fulfill its protein need.

In captivity, a macaw usually eats pellets, fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. It is dependent on the owner for its feed. It eats whatever the owner offers it. So, it is essential to take a nutritious and well-balanced diet for the macaw.

A balanced diet must comprise a proper amount of vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, sugars, fibers, and energy. Vitamins and minerals help enhance immunity, strengthen the bones and feathers, improving the heart health, vision, and digestive system.

Read A Detailed: What Fruits and Vegetables Can Macaws Eat?

How often should you feed a macaw?

Macaw is a routine-oriented bird. That is why it follows the same routine of eating daily. It starts feeding early in the morning and flies in pairs within 15-20 macaws.

How often feed a macaw

Usually, a macaw starts eating its food early in the morning, takes rest in the afternoon, and again goes into the tall trees of forests to search for food till dark.

It is an excellent idea to offer an adequate amount of feed to the macaw twice a day while in captivity. It also helps to avoid overeating in macaws.

How much food should a macaw eat daily?

A wide range of nutritious diets is present for the macaw to eat daily to ensure good health. Daily consumption of food depends upon the size and health of the macaw.

As you know that a macaw can eat seeds, nuts, pelleted diets, fruits, and vegetables but do not know how much they should eat daily? Let's discuss the various food items available to macaws.

We will also discuss how much of each food it should eat daily?


Sunflower, safflower, fennels, and pumpkin seeds are available in the wild. That is why the wild macaw eats them to get the protein and high-fat contents.  A macaw can eat a wide variety of foods in the wild that are safe for them.

In captivity, must provide a nutritious diet. Do not offer too many seeds in their daily diet because less essential vitamins and minerals in seeds may cause illness or deficiency of certain nutrients.

Macaws should fed seeds

You should offer a few seeds daily depending upon the macaw's size. Do not offer it as a main diet. It should be part of the daily diet.


In winter, nuts are a good energy source. They can harm macaws if consumed in higher amounts. Larger macaws need a diet with more fats and energy.

A wide range of nuts is available in the wild. The macaw beak is specially designed to cut open the hard surfaces of nuts like walnut, almond, peanut, coconut, and hazelnut.

All the nuts are a good source of protein, fat, and calories. Like humans, if taken in high amounts, a macaw gains its weight more than average, affecting its health. A few vitamins in nuts may decrease the number of essential nutrients in the macaw's body and make it ill.

To ensure good health in Macaw, you should offer only 2-3 nuts daily. Do not feed it too many nuts.

Pelleted Diet

A macaw's feed must comprise 70-80% of the pelleted diet. Pellets are readily available in the market in different shapes, flavors, and colors.

Pellets are full of required vitamins and minerals. It is the base diet. Serve the pellets three-quarters of your macaw's diet daily. You can serve other seeds and grains along with the pallets and mixture of fruits and vegetables.

Fruits And Vegetables

Almost 25% of the daily diet of a macaw must carry fruits and vegetables. Never feed a single fruit regularly. It is good to offer various fruits and vegetables that provide different flavors in one dish.

In this way, a macaw receives a variety of flavors and does not stick to one particular fruit or vegetable. Only one fruit or vegetable does not fulfill a macaw's nutrient requirement because its leading food is loaded with the required amount of nutrients.

The best way of presenting fruits and vegetables is to cut them into small pieces and make a mixture of different fruits and vegetables. It is easy to eat and digest for a macaw.

Seeds of some fruits are not safe for macaws, so remove the seeds before offering apples, pears, or peaches.

Seeds, fruits and vegetables for macaws

Make a bowl of cut broccoli, zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, green beans, squash, tomatoes, bananas, melons, cucumbers, apples, grapes, mango, pears, and papaya. Wash the fruits and vegetables before cutting to avoid the side effects of pesticides.

How much water should a macaw drink daily?

Water is necessary for a macaw to keep it hydrated and have better bowel movements. Free access to clean water is mandatory. Always fill the water bowl with fresh and clean water.

Regular washing of the water bowl helps reduce the contamination caused by the broken feed particles in the water bowl. Three inches deep stainless steel water bowl is best.

What if a macaw overeats?

Overeating is not fatal, but if your macaw eats more than its regular feed, it becomes ill or suffers from digestive issues.

Do not overfeed the macaw. Overfeeding may lead to obesity in some macaws. Fatty liver disease is one of the examples caused by overfeeding more fatty food. The macaw's stomach responds quickly to overfeeding as compared to humans.

Macaw overeats

A macaw usually overfeeds when it is not gaining a balanced diet. Offer adequate amounts of balanced food daily along with seeds, nuts, and a mixture of fruits and vegetables.


Generally, a macaw needs 10-20 % of its body weight. Its daily food includes fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and pellets in captivity. The daily diet consists of 25% fruits and vegetables, 70 % pallets,  several bases, and a few nuts. It must provide free access to fresh and clean water. Usually, feeding twice a day is sufficient for a healthy macaw. Hence, macaws need an adequate amount of balanced food to avoid overfeeding. Overfeeding may lead to different digestive issues and liver disease.


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